Friday, September 23, 2005


Well, it's been quite the Friday! Matthew woke up at 2am with an unpleasant surprise for me! His Mussels from dinner did not agree with him! I won't go into the gory details, but it was smelly, messy, and not a lot of fun at 2am!

So the boy stayed home from school today. We have a ton of homework to make up over the weekend. It will be lots of fun.

I spent the day working on print work for a client. I am exhausted, but I didn't want it to turn into a week long process, so the whole day was dedicated to getting her work done. Just some printing to be done, and it is all complete, and ready to ship.

Dad's birthday dinner was very nice. We went to this restaurant we had never been to before. It is called Fishbone Seafood Bar & Grill. The food was really good... just shouldn't let 10 year old boys eat mussels so close to bedtime I guess! It was a pleasant evening.