Journaling reads: Matthew, What a fun time you had with your Uncle Gary when he came for a visit from Seattle. He loves to goof around, so he brought plenty of goodies with him, and was the hit of the party! You had fun with the rubber poop, plastic cockroaches on the dinner plates, envelopes with baby rattlesnake eggs, and so much more. It’s no wonder you enjoy your Uncle so much... he’s just a great big kid!
Here is a link to the new kit in the store at Deco-Pages:
Well, I actually had to pay $3.99 a gallonfor fuel today. How frustrating! I don’tknow what the answer is... hybrid cars thatrun on less fuel and electricity... drivingmuch smaller vehicles that get more mileageto the gallon of gas. But it really doesmake me mad that the oil company profitshave quadrupled at the expense of so many people having to do without. People on a fixed budget are really hurting now and they are saying that it is only going to get worse. I heard on the news last night that fuel could go as high as $6 per gallon!
Quick Page by Deb Ammerman Totally Grungy Club Deco Contribution Feb. 2008 recolored
I waited for you with anticipation to see what you would look like. I enjoyed your beauty and you brought me great joy my little tulips... I will wait and watch for your next year to come and dazzle me with your beauty once more... Your time was too short.
My poor tulips petals are all falling on the ground... the time I had with them, short but sweet... I will miss them until next year...
I used the Quick Page by Becky Smith from the Totally Grungy kit for Club Deco, Feb. 2008 ... if you missed this wonderful kit from Club Deco, you can order the designers contributions individually in our store. Thank you for the wonderful Quick Page Becky!
Matthew came up with this little idea all on his own, and I thought it was so cute, I ran to get my camera.
I used Jen Hanson's Quick Page from the Feb. 2008 Club Deco Mega Kit - Totally Grungy! Did a little color alteration on it to go better with the spegetti... Love the way it came out! Thanks Jen!
On my way home from the office yesterday, I stopped by the dam to take a photo. This is actually 4 photos that I spliced together to create the big picture... I do not have a wide angle lense... had to do some cloning and color adjustments on the photos. I am really happy with the way it turned out.
On my way home from the office yesterday, I stopped by the dam to take a photo. This is actually 4 photos that I spliced together to create the big picture... I do not have a wide angle lense... had to do some cloning and color adjustments on the photos. I am really happy with the way it turned out.
Driving home from the office this afternoon, I saw these pretty wild flowers on the side of the road. I see them every Spring, and wish they grew in the woods by my house. Soon the day lilies will start to show up. I do love the Springtime flowers.
I used Dragons Lair Designs Quick Page for this, again I did a little color alteration to match my photo... I love this quick page from the May 2008 Club Deco Mega Kit - Mother's Day.